
The Quadracci Sustainable Engineering Lab at the School of Engineering (SEAS) and The Columbia Climate School uses engineering to help address development issues. We engineer software solutions to help make development planning smarter and to improve the delivery of critical services like health and energy in the developing world. To contact our lab, please email our lab director Dr. Vijay Modi at modi@columbia.edu.


Livelihoods, M300/ASCENT, and Small-Holder Irrigation- Case study from Uganda

Electricity access targets for ambitious programs such as M300 and ASCENT are summarized in household electrification numbers, but these programs are designed to unlock electricity’s ability to drive socio-economic development. [...]

Recent Blog Posts

Cost-Effectively Capturing Non-Household Electricity Demands Catalytic to Rural Growth

This new brief focuses on the cost-effective execution of the national survey, which covered tens of thousands of locations at just $10 per site - using innovative surveying methods and [...]

Scaling Local Energy Needs into National Investments in Uganda

Understanding what drives the community, what energy can unlock for rural livelihoods, and what activities entrepreneurial households are engaging in continues to be a challenge. We took a stab at [...]

Grids, Mini-Grids and Solar Home Systems for Rapid Access Impact

Building on insights from the CEET policy brief “Beyond Basic Electricity Access: The Unrealized Promise of Solar Power for Economic Growth in Africa”, key findings from our recent brief explore [...]

e-GUIDE Updates

The e-GUIDE Initiative is a partnership of groups at five universities: the University of Massachusetts - Amherst, Carnegie Mellon University, Columbia University, Rochester Institute of Technology, and University of Washington. [...]

Lessons on Clean Cooking

This Tuesday, May 14th in Paris, the IEA and the Clean Cooking Alliance will bring together leaders from countries to advocate for closing the large SDG gap in adoption of [...]

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