ChildCount hopes to accomplish five goals:

  1. Register every child – Create a “living” registry of all children under five in a community. This list provides the basis for community health teams to monitor the health status of their children.
  2. Screen for malnutrition every 90 days – Record the MUAC of every child from 6 months to 5 years every 90 days. When a child with acute malnutrition is detected the program provides support for plumpynut based malnutrition treatment based on community based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) protocols.
  3. Monitor for malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia – track and treat the three major preventable causes of death in children under 5. ChildCount provides support for home based malaria RDT testing and ACT dosing, oral rehydration salt (ORS) usage and pneumonia diagnosis and treatment (coming soon).
  4. Full child immunization support – Group all children in monthly age groups to know when a particular immunization is due. Record all immunizations and follow up with all children who are behind with their immunization schedule. Help manage vaccination campaigns.
  5. Record all births and deaths – Record when child deaths occur and enable local health teams and communities to understand why. Register all newborns to be tracked by ChildCount.