
The Quadracci Sustainable Engineering Lab at the School of Engineering (SEAS) and The Earth Institute, Columbia University uses engineering to help address development issues. We engineer software solutions to help make development planning smarter and to improve the delivery of critical services like health and energy in the developing world.


e-GUIDE Updates

The e-GUIDE Initiative is a partnership of groups at five universities: the University of Massachusetts - Amherst, Carnegie Mellon University, Columbia University, Rochester Institute of Technology, and University of Washington. [...]

Recent Blog Posts

Lessons on Clean Cooking

This Tuesday, May 14th in Paris, the IEA and the Clean Cooking Alliance will bring together leaders from countries to advocate for closing the large SDG gap in adoption of [...]

Sustainable Energy for Some

Last week I visited the slums of Kampala, Uganda while on my way to the Sustainable Energy for All Forum in Kigali. I wanted to see with my own eyes [...]

New qSEL Study Quantifies Important Considerations for Heating Decarbonization in the United States

Read the full article published in Joule. Greenhouse gas emissions from electricity generation get a lot of attention, but the 12% of nationwide emissions from burning fossil fuels in buildings [...]

Lessons For The Future From The Recent Cold Weather Spell In The Northeast

For the few days before and after New Year’s Day, the Northeast experienced extreme cold temperatures. Natural gas prices peaked at nearly 50 times last year’s average. Electricity prices also [...]

Four More Shared Solar Installs In Uganda!

The Quadracci Sustainable Engineering Lab was asked to assist in the installation of four new Shared Solar units in rural Uganda. This past December, power was turned on and payment [...]

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