JM Eagle + MVP Piped Water Project
Representatives from the JM Eagle Corporation including CEO, Walter Wang, traveled to 3 of the 8 MVP sites in Africa where piped water installations are under construction with pipe and funding provided by the JM Eagle Corporation. The JM Eagle group was joined by a delegation of representatives from the Earth Institute, which serves as the technical adviser for the project, including the Earth Institute Director, Jeff Sachs, and also Prof. Vijay Modi.
The group traveled to the Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya MVP sites, taking time to see construction activities in each and also other MVP related infrastructure such as health posts and a Shared Solar unit. Ruhiira and Mayange had just completed construction of the first new kiosks planned for these systems and the timing of this trip allowed for a commissioning of the first taps during the visit. Each site visit allowed for the JM Eagle team and Earth Institute to meet with local and state representatives to discuss the implications of the current work happening in the MVP sites and also what future needs are and ways to provide for them.
The piped water projects visited will serve populations of 38,000 in Uganda, 19,000 in Rwanda and 6,400 Kenya, all aiming to locate a tap within 500 meters of each household within the district. Each tap will be able to provide at least 40L of safe drinking water to each person per day. The UN defines Reasonable access to water as access being not more than 1000 meters from a house to a public stand post or any other improved drinking water source and providing at least 20 liters per capita per day. View the JMEagle / MVP factsheet to see a summary of all the MVP piped drinking water projects.